Monday, September 15, 2008

Irony In a Song

"Ironic" by Alanis Morisette is a very interesting song that is filled with different ironic situations.That is one of the reasons that the title of the song itself is "Ironic".This song has many exemplary,acceptable,and questionable ironic situations.

There are many ironic situations that are exemplary.Such as "a free ride when you've already paid".This is ironic because how is a ride free when you paid for it.Another exemplary ironic situation would be "Its like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife".Its ironic because when you need that one thing you can never find it under all of the other materials.The last great exemplary ironic situation would be "Mr.PlayItSafe was afraid to fly,He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye,He waited his whole life to take that flight ,And as the plane crashed down he thought ,Well isn't this nice".This is very ironic because its talking about this man who is afraid of taking a plane because it was going to crash.Next thing you know the first plane that he takes ends up going down.These are the best pieces in"Ironic" that show irony the best.

Some acceptable ironic problems would be when "An old man turned ninety-eight,He won the lottery and died the next day".This is an acceptable ironic situation because the man just turned 98.And he also won the lottery but couldn't even spend it because he died the next day.But this could also just question the irony because the man was already 98 and was old.So it would've just been his time to pass.Although its just horrible because the man waited for that moment and when it finally came he couldn't enjoy it.The next acceptable problem would be "A traffic jam when your already late".This piece falls under acceptable because you can kind of see the irony in it.I you were late now its just going to be worst because of all the traffic.This makes you think what are the odds.But on the other hand it could just have been bad timing in the situation.Lastly my example would be"Its like meeting the man of my dreams,And then meeting his beautiful wife."This is acceptable because in one way you finally found that one man and he ends up being married.But it makes you think because if this man is the one of your dreams chance are hes already going to have someone.There are many ways to look at these situations and make you think.

My last pieces that could be ironic are very questionable.They could just fall under the category of a horrible day/timing.As "Its like rain on your wedding day".This could fall under the ironic category because its suppose to be that special day where everything goes right.But then again it would've just been a bad day where the weather guy was wrong.Another questionable situation would be"A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break".This piece isn't as ironic as someone may think.Truly if its your break haven't you been around the building to know where your able to smoke.This is not as much as an ironic situation as someone would think.

Finally to conclude the analysis on"Ironic" by Alanis Morrisette she was able to think of many great situations that just makes sense.She was able to name the song "Ironic" and had made almost every line in it go along with the title.There are just so many ironic situations that gets you to think is it really ironic or is it just a day gone bad.

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